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plurals (plur - als)

In most cases, a plural is formed by adding "s" to the end of a noun.

Examples: (ex - am - ples)
nation ... nations
chair ... chairs
hat ... hats

However, if a noun ends in "s, ss, z, x, ch, or sh, add "es" to the end of the word.

Plurals - if a noun ends in "s, ss, z, x, ch, or sh" add "es" to the end of the word.
hypothesis hypotheses There are many hypotheses as to the creation of the universe.
boss bosses Name all the bosses you've worked for in your life.
topaz topazes The jewellery case was full of precious topazes.
box boxes Place those boxes over here.
church churches There are three churches in our community.
radish radishes Please pick me some radishes out of the garden.

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